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- *****************************************************************************
- ; Raster routine - simple raster bar move routine using the blitter,
- ; - taken from the STOLEN DATA intro
- ; Copyright - Kreator of ANARCHY
- *****************************************************************************
- Incdir DF1:
- Include Source/CustomRegisters ; Contains custom reg. equates
- Section Base,Code_c ; Ensure it assembles into chip mem.
- Trap_vec0 = $80
- Execbase = $4
- Oldopen = -$198
- Movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
- Move.l #Start,Trap_vec0
- Trap #0 ; Jump into "Start" routine in Supervisor mode
- Movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- Rts
- Start
- Bsr Killsys
- Bsr Setup
- Bsr Main
- Bsr Sysreturn
- Rte ;Executed with a TRAP instr. (Exception)
- *****************************************************************************
- ;Killsys - Disable operating system and interrupts
- *****************************************************************************
- Killsys Move Intenar,Int_set ; Remember interrupt status
- Move #$7fff,Intena
- Move.l $6c.w,Vbl_vec ; Store Vbalnk interrupt vector
- Move Dmaconr,Dma_set
- Move #$7fff,Dmacon
- Move #$87cf,Dmacon ; Set the DMA enable status
- Move.l Execbase,a6
- Lea Gfxname(pc),a1
- Jsr Oldopen(a6)
- Move.l d0,a5
- Move.l 38(a5),Sys_copl ; Save the system copperlist
- Move.l #Clstart,Cop1lch ; Start our own copperlist
- Clr Copjmp1
- Rts
- Int_set Dc.w 0
- Dma_set Dc.w 0
- Sys_copl Dc.l 0
- Vbl_vec Dc.l 0
- Gfxname Dc.b "graphics.library",0
- Even
- *****************************************************************************
- ;Sysreturn - Re-enable operating system and interrupts
- *****************************************************************************
- Sysreturn
- Move #$7fff,Intena
- Move.l Vbl_vec(pc),$6c.w ; Restore the Vblank int. vector
- Move Int_set(pc),d0
- Or #$c000,d0
- Move d0,Intena ; Start up interrupts again
- Move #$7fff,Dmacon
- Move Dma_set(pc),d0
- Or #$8200,d0
- Move d0,Dmacon ; Restore DMA status
- Move.l Sys_copl,Cop1lch
- Clr Copjmp1 ; Restore the system copperlist
- Rts
- *****************************************************************************
- ; Main - Central demo calling routine + mouse button check
- *****************************************************************************
- Main
- Move.l $dff004,d0
- And.l #$1ff00,d0
- Cmp.l #$01000,d0 ; Wait for vert. pos. 16
- Bne.s Main
- Bsr Rasters
- Btst #6,$bfe001 ; Check left mouse button
- Bne.s Main
- Rts
- *****************************************************************************
- ; Setup routine
- *****************************************************************************
- Setup
- ; No routines to setup really
- Rts
- *****************************************************************************
- ; Raster effects
- *****************************************************************************
- Rasters
- Lea Logo_bars+6(pc),a0 ; Clear the old rasters
- Move.l #-1,Bltafwm
- Move.l #$00000006,Bltamod
- Move.l #$1f00000,Bltcon0
- Clr Bltadat
- Move.l a0,Bltdpth
- Move #136*64+1,Bltsize
- Clr_wait
- Btst #14,Dmaconr ; Wait for the blitter to finish
- Bne.s Clr_wait
- Lea Sintable(pc),a1
- Add.b #2,Bar_pt+1
- Move Bar_pt(pc),d0 ; Get the new sine pointer
- Move.l #$9f00000,Bltcon0 ; Set the blitter ready for
- Move.l #Bar_cols,Bltapth ; blitting the raster bars into
- Move #37,d1 ; the copperlist (38 of them)
- Moveq #0,d2
- Rast_loop
- Move.b (a1,d0),d2
- Lsl #2,d2
- And #$3f8,d2 ; Each line of the copperlist is
- ; 8 bytes apart
- Lea (a0,d2),a2
- Move.l a2,Bltdpth
- Move #64*8+1,Bltsize ; Each bar is 8 lines deep
- Addq.b #6,d0
- Blitit
- Btst #14,Dmaconr
- Bne.s Blitit
- Dbf d1,Rast_loop
- Rts
- *****************************************************************************
- ; Variables
- *****************************************************************************
- Bar_pt Dc.w 0
- *****************************************************************************
- ; Copperlists
- *****************************************************************************
- Clstart
- Mov $1a64,Diwstrt
- Mov $39d1,Diwstop
- Mov $0030,Ddfstrt
- Mov $00d8,Ddfstop
- Mov 0,Bplcon0
- Logo_bars
- A set 0
- Rept 136
- Wait 222,(90+A)&$ff
- Mov 0,Color00
- A set A+1
- Endr
- Wait $fe,$ff
- *****************************************************************************
- ; Binaries
- *****************************************************************************
- Sintable
- Incbin Binary/Sin1 ;256 byte long sintable
- Bar_cols
- Dc.w $600,$900,$c00,$f00,$f00,$c00,$900,$600
- Dc.w $601,$903,$c04,$f06,$f06,$c04,$903,$601
- Dc.w $603,$905,$c08,$f0b,$f0b,$c08,$905,$603
- Dc.w $606,$909,$c0c,$f0f,$f0f,$c0c,$909,$606
- Dc.w $306,$509,$80c,$b0f,$b0f,$80c,$509,$306
- Dc.w $106,$309,$50c,$60f,$60f,$50c,$309,$106
- Dc.w $006,$009,$00c,$00f,$00f,$00c,$009,$006
- Dc.w $016,$039,$05c,$06f,$06f,$05c,$039,$016
- Dc.w $036,$059,$08c,$0bf,$0bf,$08c,$059,$036
- Dc.w $066,$099,$0cc,$0ff,$0ff,$0cc,$099,$066
- Dc.w $063,$095,$0c8,$0fb,$0fb,$0c8,$095,$063
- Dc.w $061,$093,$0c5,$0f6,$0f6,$0c5,$093,$061
- Dc.w $060,$090,$0c0,$0f0,$0f0,$0c0,$090,$060
- Dc.w $160,$390,$5c0,$6f0,$6f0,$5c0,$390,$160
- Dc.w $360,$590,$8c0,$bf0,$bf0,$8c0,$590,$360
- Dc.w $660,$990,$cc0,$ff0,$ff0,$cc0,$990,$660
- Dc.w $630,$950,$c80,$fb0,$fb0,$c80,$950,$630
- Dc.w $610,$930,$c50,$f60,$f60,$c50,$930,$610
- Dc.w $600,$900,$c00,$f00,$f00,$c00,$900,$600
- Dc.w $600,$900,$c00,$f00,$f00,$c00,$900,$600
- Dc.w $601,$903,$c04,$f06,$f06,$c04,$903,$601
- Dc.w $603,$905,$c08,$f0b,$f0b,$c08,$905,$603
- Dc.w $606,$909,$c0c,$f0f,$f0f,$c0c,$909,$606
- Dc.w $306,$509,$80c,$b0f,$b0f,$80c,$509,$306
- Dc.w $106,$309,$50c,$60f,$60f,$50c,$309,$106
- Dc.w $006,$009,$00c,$00f,$00f,$00c,$009,$006
- Dc.w $016,$039,$05c,$06f,$06f,$05c,$039,$016
- Dc.w $036,$059,$08c,$0bf,$0bf,$08c,$059,$036
- Dc.w $066,$099,$0cc,$0ff,$0ff,$0cc,$099,$066
- Dc.w $063,$095,$0c8,$0fb,$0fb,$0c8,$095,$063
- Dc.w $061,$093,$0c5,$0f6,$0f6,$0c5,$093,$061
- Dc.w $060,$090,$0c0,$0f0,$0f0,$0c0,$090,$060
- Dc.w $160,$390,$5c0,$6f0,$6f0,$5c0,$390,$160
- Dc.w $360,$590,$8c0,$bf0,$bf0,$8c0,$590,$360
- Dc.w $660,$990,$cc0,$ff0,$ff0,$cc0,$990,$660
- Dc.w $630,$950,$c80,$fb0,$fb0,$c80,$950,$630
- Dc.w $610,$930,$c50,$f60,$f60,$c50,$930,$610
- Dc.w $600,$900,$c00,$f00,$f00,$c00,$900,$600